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  • 安永大华招聘Business consulting - 财务咨询 - Senior Manager

    Welcome to EYAt EY, our 175,000 professionals work together to deliver assurance, tax, transaction and consulting services. We are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality.Working at EYWe are a global professional services organization that provides a broad array of assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services.We are committed to doing our part in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities, and we are united by our shared values and a dedication to delivering exceptional client service.Lifelong relationships at EYWe want you to gain more career value from your time spent with EY than you would from any other employer. This is why we work hard to build and sustain the kind of culture that provides a wide array of learning and development opportunities, gives you experience of working with a diverse group of colleagues and clients, and provides the chance to build lifelong relationships that will be valuable to you wherever your career takes you.Whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime.

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  • 安永大华招聘Labor and Employment - Senior Consultant

    Welcome to EYAt EY, our 175,000 professionals work together to deliver assurance, tax, transaction and consulting services. We are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality.Working at EYWe are a global professional services organization that provides a broad array of assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services.We are committed to doing our part in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities, and we are united by our shared values and a dedication to delivering exceptional client service.Lifelong relationships at EYWe want you to gain more career value from your time spent with EY than you would from any other employer. This is why we work hard to build and sustain the kind of culture that provides a wide array of learning and development opportunities, gives you experience of working with a diverse group of colleagues and clients, and provides the chance to build lifelong relationships that will be valuable to you wherever your career takes you.Whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime.

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  • 安永大华招聘Senior Graphic Designer

    Welcome to EYAt EY, our 175,000 professionals work together to deliver assurance, tax, transaction and consulting services. We are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality.Working at EYWe are a global professional services organization that provides a broad array of assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services.We are committed to doing our part in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities, and we are united by our shared values and a dedication to delivering exceptional client service.Lifelong relationships at EYWe want you to gain more career value from your time spent with EY than you would from any other employer. This is why we work hard to build and sustain the kind of culture that provides a wide array of learning and development opportunities, gives you experience of working with a diverse group of colleagues and clients, and provides the chance to build lifelong relationships that will be valuable to you wherever your career takes you.Whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime.

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  • 永业行评估招聘招标代理负责人

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  • 永业行评估招聘招投标专员

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  • 永业行评估招聘市场营销

    永业行最早成立于1993年,是全国领.先的大型综合性咨询评估机构,是国家高新技术企业,围绕价值评估咨询、自然资源咨询、投资咨询、生态环境咨询等四大业务板块提供专业服务,拥有甲.级工程咨询、甲.级土地规划、甲.级测绘等执业资质20余个,业务遍及全国20多个省(市、区 )及部分海外市场。    现有员工1200余名,其中博士和硕士300余名(含留学归国硕士30余名);正高职高级工程师及高级职称、中级职称人员近300名;房地产估价师、土地估价师、咨询工程师、资产评估.师、城乡规划师、矿业权评估.师、环境影响评价工程师、土地代理人等专业人员200余名;国家、省、市级行业专家20余名,先后承担省部级课题近70项,研发形成软著、发明专利等近80项。    永业行是湖北省政府授牌的重点服务企业和重点服务品牌,是湖北省优秀企业、服务业企业100强、武汉民营创新企业100强、武汉市模范和谐企业、武汉市法治建设示范企业,旗下多家公司连年被评为A级纳税人。    永业行于2009年成立了中共党委,发布全国评估咨询行业的地产指数《永业行指数》,2010年至今每年发布《社会责任报告》。永业行积极参与各类公益活动,在灾害救助、捐资助学、慈善敬老、扶贫济困等方面捐赠和投入超过300万元。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情战役中,永业行累计筹措资金和物资近100万元,持续支援抗击疫情,及时响应和驰援。    永业行人始终秉持“生态优.先,绿色发展”理念,不忘初心,牢记使命,用专业服务资源环境开发利用,以技术赋能客户个性化需求,为经济社会高质量发展贡献永业行力量。   永业行五大优势:1、平台规模大:湖北省咨询评估行业龙头企业,14个分部1200名员工,持续扩张中;2、发展空间大:10档10级、内部竟聘、自由轮岗,给你的晋升与发展提供无限可能;3、能力提升大:完善的培训体系,新员工指定专人带教,永行业商学院助你能力提升;4、薪酬优势大:下有保底(6-9万),上不封顶,平均年薪16万,远超行业平均水平;5、福利诱惑大:周末双休、五险一金、实际工龄算年假、超长带薪春节假、员工体检......

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  • 永业行评估招聘企业管理咨询技术副总监

    永业行最早成立于1993年,是全国领.先的大型综合性咨询评估机构,是国家高新技术企业,围绕价值评估咨询、自然资源咨询、投资咨询、生态环境咨询等四大业务板块提供专业服务,拥有甲.级工程咨询、甲.级土地规划、甲.级测绘等执业资质20余个,业务遍及全国20多个省(市、区 )及部分海外市场。    现有员工1200余名,其中博士和硕士300余名(含留学归国硕士30余名);正高职高级工程师及高级职称、中级职称人员近300名;房地产估价师、土地估价师、咨询工程师、资产评估.师、城乡规划师、矿业权评估.师、环境影响评价工程师、土地代理人等专业人员200余名;国家、省、市级行业专家20余名,先后承担省部级课题近70项,研发形成软著、发明专利等近80项。    永业行是湖北省政府授牌的重点服务企业和重点服务品牌,是湖北省优秀企业、服务业企业100强、武汉民营创新企业100强、武汉市模范和谐企业、武汉市法治建设示范企业,旗下多家公司连年被评为A级纳税人。    永业行于2009年成立了中共党委,发布全国评估咨询行业的地产指数《永业行指数》,2010年至今每年发布《社会责任报告》。永业行积极参与各类公益活动,在灾害救助、捐资助学、慈善敬老、扶贫济困等方面捐赠和投入超过300万元。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情战役中,永业行累计筹措资金和物资近100万元,持续支援抗击疫情,及时响应和驰援。    永业行人始终秉持“生态优.先,绿色发展”理念,不忘初心,牢记使命,用专业服务资源环境开发利用,以技术赋能客户个性化需求,为经济社会高质量发展贡献永业行力量。   永业行五大优势:1、平台规模大:湖北省咨询评估行业龙头企业,14个分部1200名员工,持续扩张中;2、发展空间大:10档10级、内部竟聘、自由轮岗,给你的晋升与发展提供无限可能;3、能力提升大:完善的培训体系,新员工指定专人带教,永行业商学院助你能力提升;4、薪酬优势大:下有保底(6-9万),上不封顶,平均年薪16万,远超行业平均水平;5、福利诱惑大:周末双休、五险一金、实际工龄算年假、超长带薪春节假、员工体检......

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