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  • 上阀招聘财务结算专员

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  • 海拉电子招聘Logistics Project Manager

    Pacesetting. Passionate. Together. Since 1899, HELLA, one of the top 40 automotive suppliers worldwide, has shaped the industry with innovative lighting systems and vehicle electronics. In addition, the company is one of the most important partners of the aftermarket and independent workshops. What motivates us: Shaping the mobility of tomorrow and fostering the central market trends such as autonomous driving, efficiency and electrification, connectivity and digitization as well as individualization. Every day, more than 40,000 employees worldwide are committed to this with passion, know-how and innovative strength.

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  • 海拉电子招聘Sales Planner

    Pacesetting. Passionate. Together. Since 1899, HELLA, one of the top 40 automotive suppliers worldwide, has shaped the industry with innovative lighting systems and vehicle electronics. In addition, the company is one of the most important partners of the aftermarket and independent workshops. What motivates us: Shaping the mobility of tomorrow and fostering the central market trends such as autonomous driving, efficiency and electrification, connectivity and digitization as well as individualization. Every day, more than 40,000 employees worldwide are committed to this with passion, know-how and innovative strength.

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  • 海拉电子招聘软件工程师 - 雷达算法方向

    Pacesetting. Passionate. Together. Since 1899, HELLA, one of the top 40 automotive suppliers worldwide, has shaped the industry with innovative lighting systems and vehicle electronics. In addition, the company is one of the most important partners of the aftermarket and independent workshops. What motivates us: Shaping the mobility of tomorrow and fostering the central market trends such as autonomous driving, efficiency and electrification, connectivity and digitization as well as individualization. Every day, more than 40,000 employees worldwide are committed to this with passion, know-how and innovative strength.

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  • 敏实集团招聘采购工程师

    敏实集团是一家全球知名的汽车零部件供应商,2021年全球汽车零部件供应商百强榜排名第79位,在全球约有1.8万名员工,于2005年12月1日在香港联合交易所挂牌上市(股票代码:00425)。敏实基于高性能铝材、高弹性TPV、改性塑料等新材料以及表面处理技术,形成了各类外饰件和车身结构件产品体系,并发展出铝动力电池盒、智能前脸等电动化、智能化新型产品。敏实集团立足中国,布局全球,在中国、美国、墨西哥、泰国、英国、德国、塞尔维亚、捷克等多个国家设有生产基地。    经过多年的潜心经营,敏实与海内外主流的汽车品牌客户建立了稳定、长期、协作的业务关系,客户覆盖了市场主要整车企业,与全球年销量100万辆以上乘用车品牌达成长期合作关系,包括宝马、奔驰、大众、奥迪、丰田、本田、日产、福特、通用、吉利、长安等,同时与特斯拉、蔚来、理想、小鹏等新能源汽车品牌达成了合作。    敏实从新材料技术、优质产品和优质客户群三个维度形成了良性循环,由此构建了完整的业务体系,并推动主营业务持续、稳健增长。

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  • 敏实集团招聘交付专员

    敏实集团是一家全球知名的汽车零部件供应商,2021年全球汽车零部件供应商百强榜排名第79位,在全球约有1.8万名员工,于2005年12月1日在香港联合交易所挂牌上市(股票代码:00425)。敏实基于高性能铝材、高弹性TPV、改性塑料等新材料以及表面处理技术,形成了各类外饰件和车身结构件产品体系,并发展出铝动力电池盒、智能前脸等电动化、智能化新型产品。敏实集团立足中国,布局全球,在中国、美国、墨西哥、泰国、英国、德国、塞尔维亚、捷克等多个国家设有生产基地。    经过多年的潜心经营,敏实与海内外主流的汽车品牌客户建立了稳定、长期、协作的业务关系,客户覆盖了市场主要整车企业,与全球年销量100万辆以上乘用车品牌达成长期合作关系,包括宝马、奔驰、大众、奥迪、丰田、本田、日产、福特、通用、吉利、长安等,同时与特斯拉、蔚来、理想、小鹏等新能源汽车品牌达成了合作。    敏实从新材料技术、优质产品和优质客户群三个维度形成了良性循环,由此构建了完整的业务体系,并推动主营业务持续、稳健增长。

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