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碧捷是一家专注为中国家庭带来全球创新美颜和个护黑科技的全链路新零售公司。过去八年中,我们始终秉持“站在用户的角度”之初心,坚持“尊重、利他、共享、创新”的文化和价值观,创新数字化运营和品牌营销,深耕“科技美颜“和“口腔个护”两大垂直领域,为中国消费者提供安全、有效的高品质美容仪、护肤品、冲牙器和牙膏漱口水等产品,囊括多项殊荣,成为天猫、京东、小红书、考拉海购、亚马逊等各大知名电商平台的战略合作伙伴,成功入驻北京、上海、广州、杭州、成都等一二线城市百货和购物中心,在中国免税集团、山姆会员店、顺电和Ole超市等拥有400多家实体专柜和零售网点。    目前碧捷旗下代理有 7个进口国际品牌,分别是日本雅萌Ya-*** 射频美容仪、美国NuFACE微电流美容仪、美国 Waterpik 洁碧冲牙器、英国倍洁丽Pearl Drops美白牙膏、美国Tom‘s of Maine汤姆小屋天然牙膏和个护品牌、美国知名的皮肤学级专护肤品牌Revision Skincare护肤品、美国知名专业护肤品牌PCA SKIN护肤品。    这里有着富有挑战性的工作内容,丰富的职业培训及多通道发展的晋升体系,以及内部灵活的人才活水计划,引领你发现更多可能,以人为本是碧捷的管理理念,我们为员工提供各种需要的资源 和帮助面对未来,让你的工作和生活更加精彩福利待遇:我们是您口中别人家的公司拥有五星级的办公环境每个角落都是打卡圣地有比星*克好喝的咖啡有饿了就吃的下午茶有玩不停的爆趣活动有暖心的生日Party有长知识的图书馆还能遇到一群有趣有颜有实力的同事

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碧捷是一家专注为中国家庭带来全球创新美颜和个护黑科技的全链路新零售公司。过去八年中,我们始终秉持“站在用户的角度”之初心,坚持“尊重、利他、共享、创新”的文化和价值观,创新数字化运营和品牌营销,深耕“科技美颜“和“口腔个护”两大垂直领域,为中国消费者提供安全、有效的高品质美容仪、护肤品、冲牙器和牙膏漱口水等产品,囊括多项殊荣,成为天猫、京东、小红书、考拉海购、亚马逊等各大知名电商平台的战略合作伙伴,成功入驻北京、上海、广州、杭州、成都等一二线城市百货和购物中心,在中国免税集团、山姆会员店、顺电和Ole超市等拥有400多家实体专柜和零售网点。    目前碧捷旗下代理有 7个进口国际品牌,分别是日本雅萌Ya-*** 射频美容仪、美国NuFACE微电流美容仪、美国 Waterpik 洁碧冲牙器、英国倍洁丽Pearl Drops美白牙膏、美国Tom‘s of Maine汤姆小屋天然牙膏和个护品牌、美国知名的皮肤学级专护肤品牌Revision Skincare护肤品、美国知名专业护肤品牌PCA SKIN护肤品。    这里有着富有挑战性的工作内容,丰富的职业培训及多通道发展的晋升体系,以及内部灵活的人才活水计划,引领你发现更多可能,以人为本是碧捷的管理理念,我们为员工提供各种需要的资源 和帮助面对未来,让你的工作和生活更加精彩福利待遇:我们是您口中别人家的公司拥有五星级的办公环境每个角落都是打卡圣地有比星*克好喝的咖啡有饿了就吃的下午茶有玩不停的爆趣活动有暖心的生日Party有长知识的图书馆还能遇到一群有趣有颜有实力的同事

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关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下旗舰品牌,业务遍布16个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在中国内地近500个城市拥有超过4,100家店铺和逾6,300万名会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团于1841年创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在29个市场经营超过16,300家商店。每年,超过59亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团全球12个零售品牌的实体店铺以及线上商店购物。屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。About WatsonsWatsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 16 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day.Watsons operates more than 4,100 stores in nearly 500 cities in Mainland China, with over 63 million members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.About A.S. Watson GroupEstablished in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 16,300 stores in 29 markets. Each year, over 5.9 billion customers and members shop with our 12 retail brands, both in stores and online.A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has four core businesses - ports and related services, retail, infrastructure and telecommunications in 50 countries and regions.

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关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下旗舰品牌,业务遍布16个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在中国内地近500个城市拥有超过4,100家店铺和逾6,300万名会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团于1841年创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在29个市场经营超过16,300家商店。每年,超过59亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团全球12个零售品牌的实体店铺以及线上商店购物。屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。About WatsonsWatsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 16 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day.Watsons operates more than 4,100 stores in nearly 500 cities in Mainland China, with over 63 million members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.About A.S. Watson GroupEstablished in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 16,300 stores in 29 markets. Each year, over 5.9 billion customers and members shop with our 12 retail brands, both in stores and online.A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has four core businesses - ports and related services, retail, infrastructure and telecommunications in 50 countries and regions.

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屈臣氏招聘[2022校招]AI应用工程师 AI Application Engineer

关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下旗舰品牌,业务遍布16个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在中国内地近500个城市拥有超过4,100家店铺和逾6,300万名会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团于1841年创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在29个市场经营超过16,300家商店。每年,超过59亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团全球12个零售品牌的实体店铺以及线上商店购物。屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。About WatsonsWatsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 16 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day.Watsons operates more than 4,100 stores in nearly 500 cities in Mainland China, with over 63 million members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.About A.S. Watson GroupEstablished in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 16,300 stores in 29 markets. Each year, over 5.9 billion customers and members shop with our 12 retail brands, both in stores and online.A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has four core businesses - ports and related services, retail, infrastructure and telecommunications in 50 countries and regions.

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关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下旗舰品牌,业务遍布16个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在中国内地近500个城市拥有超过4,100家店铺和逾6,300万名会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团于1841年创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在29个市场经营超过16,300家商店。每年,超过59亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团全球12个零售品牌的实体店铺以及线上商店购物。屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。About WatsonsWatsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 16 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day.Watsons operates more than 4,100 stores in nearly 500 cities in Mainland China, with over 63 million members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.About A.S. Watson GroupEstablished in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 16,300 stores in 29 markets. Each year, over 5.9 billion customers and members shop with our 12 retail brands, both in stores and online.A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has four core businesses - ports and related services, retail, infrastructure and telecommunications in 50 countries and regions.

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关于屈臣氏屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下旗舰品牌,业务遍布16个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过8,000家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在中国内地近500个城市拥有超过4,100家店铺和逾6,300万名会员,是大众所熟知的线下及线上(O+O)保健及美妆产品零售商。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。关于屈臣氏集团屈臣氏集团于1841年创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在29个市场经营超过16,300家商店。每年,超过59亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团全球12个零售品牌的实体店铺以及线上商店购物。屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及50个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建以及电讯四项核心业务。About WatsonsWatsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 8,000 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 16 Asian and European markets. Watsons continually sets the standards in the health, wellness and beauty market, providing customers with personalised advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day.Watsons operates more than 4,100 stores in nearly 500 cities in Mainland China, with over 63 million members, making Watsons a well-known O+O (Offline and Online) health & beauty retailer. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers.About A.S. Watson GroupEstablished in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 16,300 stores in 29 markets. Each year, over 5.9 billion customers and members shop with our 12 retail brands, both in stores and online.A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has four core businesses - ports and related services, retail, infrastructure and telecommunications in 50 countries and regions.

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