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  • 春兴精工招聘ABAP开发工程师

    苏州春兴精工股份有限公司于2001年9月成立,目前坐落于中国-新加坡苏州工业园区唯亭镇,注册资本14200万元人民币;公司厂区占地面积超过12万平方米;公司现有员工约5000人。    春兴铸造(苏州工业园区)有限公司、迈特通讯设备(苏州)有限公司为苏州春兴精工股份有限公司的子公司。    公司主要从事通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的制造、销售及服务;通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金压铸、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司专利和***。公司已先后通过ISO/TS16949、ISO14000、AS9100等体系认证,并被江苏省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。    公司以做大、做优、做强通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等配套件制造业为己任,依靠强大的区位优势,欣欣向荣的产业前景,追求卓越的内部管理,精益求精的研发技术,持续满足客户需求,在通讯、汽车、航空等领域赢得中外客户,如诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、摩托罗拉、波尔威、安弗施、施耐德、电产、贝洱、法可赛、哈金森、博世、江森等跨国公司的信赖。    目前,公司已成为国内精密铝合金结构件最具研发实力与规模生产能力的专业服务商之一。   Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd., located in Weiting Town of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, was founded in September, 2001, with a registered capital of 106,000,000RMB; the company has a total area of over 66,000m2; currently we have a staff of about 5000people; in Yangtze River Delta we have a large production area, and we also have offices located in U.S., Finland, India, Germany, etc.    Chunxing Casting and MITEC telecom are subsidiaries of Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd.    Our major base of business is to produce Precise aluminum structure parts for Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace, to sell them, and to provide service, as well as to do research and development works. We have extensive research and manufacturing experiences in Aluminum alloy die casting, precision mechanism machining, and sheet metal stamping. The R&D programmes developed by ourselves, such as tooling design and manufacturing technics of aluminum alloy die casting, die casting equipment application technology, post treatment technics of die casting parts, low pressure and gravity casting technics, precision CNC machining technics, vacuum fixture technics, and sheet metal forming technics, are all at the leading level of the whole industry and we have Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights in some of these technics.    We have already passed the System authentications of TS16949, ISO14000, etc. Under the approval of Jiangsu Science & Technology Government Division, we have also become a High-tech Enterprise.    Chunxing is committed to enlarge, to optimize, to enhance our business in producing parts of Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace. By the remarkable location advantage, flourishing prospects of industry, reputable and improving internal management, refining technics, we are certain to satisfy our customers and win the trust of customers locally and overseas, such as NSN, Lucent-Alcatel, Motorola, Powerwave, RFS, Andrew, Schneider, Nitec, Behr, Ficosa, ABB, Woodward, Hutchinson, and Pulanmeika.    Currently, Chunxing has become one of the professional facilitators that have the strongest R&D ability and mass production capacity.招聘声明近期,我公司发现有个别机构及人员假借春兴精工或春兴集团的名义通过网络或电话进行虚假招聘,给求职者发送“面试通知”或“录用通知”,企图诱骗求职者前往面试或工作。为避免广大求职者上当受骗,现春兴集团郑重声明如下:一、春兴集团只面向正规大中专院校以及劳动局和人事局批准的正规人才服务机构招聘,本集团面试的地点是在春兴集团各厂区,不会在其它地方。二、春兴集团所有的招聘未通过任何中介组织和个人,我公司不会以任何形式向求职者索取钱物、密码、培训费、体检费、押金等。三、春兴集团招聘工作由人力资源部统一组织实施,按照统一的招聘流程办理,不会通过其他方式直接录用。所有面试邀约均通过公司固定电话或公司招聘邮箱统一发送。一旦确定录用,将以公司招聘邮箱统一发送录用通知或当面签署意向,不会在未确定劳动关系之前要求应聘者参加培训。请求职者切勿轻信通过其他如小灵通、手机、短信等方式通知的相关信息。四、春兴集团所有的网络招聘信息请登录春兴集团官方网站、圆才网及前程无忧等正式合作媒体机构。五、对冒充本集团名义发布虚假招聘信息等从事非法活动的网站、个人或其他组织,本集团保留追究其法律责任的权利。六、春兴集团对所有应聘者的资料及个人信息进行保密。七、为了您的安全及利益,请提高警惕,如您有接到虚假招聘信息,请及时报警。                                                                        苏州春兴精工股份有限公司                                                                                       2017年7月3日

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  • 春兴精工招聘法务专员

    苏州春兴精工股份有限公司于2001年9月成立,目前坐落于中国-新加坡苏州工业园区唯亭镇,注册资本14200万元人民币;公司厂区占地面积超过12万平方米;公司现有员工约5000人。    春兴铸造(苏州工业园区)有限公司、迈特通讯设备(苏州)有限公司为苏州春兴精工股份有限公司的子公司。    公司主要从事通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的制造、销售及服务;通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金压铸、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司专利和***。公司已先后通过ISO/TS16949、ISO14000、AS9100等体系认证,并被江苏省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。    公司以做大、做优、做强通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等配套件制造业为己任,依靠强大的区位优势,欣欣向荣的产业前景,追求卓越的内部管理,精益求精的研发技术,持续满足客户需求,在通讯、汽车、航空等领域赢得中外客户,如诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、摩托罗拉、波尔威、安弗施、施耐德、电产、贝洱、法可赛、哈金森、博世、江森等跨国公司的信赖。    目前,公司已成为国内精密铝合金结构件最具研发实力与规模生产能力的专业服务商之一。   Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd., located in Weiting Town of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, was founded in September, 2001, with a registered capital of 106,000,000RMB; the company has a total area of over 66,000m2; currently we have a staff of about 5000people; in Yangtze River Delta we have a large production area, and we also have offices located in U.S., Finland, India, Germany, etc.    Chunxing Casting and MITEC telecom are subsidiaries of Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd.    Our major base of business is to produce Precise aluminum structure parts for Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace, to sell them, and to provide service, as well as to do research and development works. We have extensive research and manufacturing experiences in Aluminum alloy die casting, precision mechanism machining, and sheet metal stamping. The R&D programmes developed by ourselves, such as tooling design and manufacturing technics of aluminum alloy die casting, die casting equipment application technology, post treatment technics of die casting parts, low pressure and gravity casting technics, precision CNC machining technics, vacuum fixture technics, and sheet metal forming technics, are all at the leading level of the whole industry and we have Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights in some of these technics.    We have already passed the System authentications of TS16949, ISO14000, etc. Under the approval of Jiangsu Science & Technology Government Division, we have also become a High-tech Enterprise.    Chunxing is committed to enlarge, to optimize, to enhance our business in producing parts of Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace. By the remarkable location advantage, flourishing prospects of industry, reputable and improving internal management, refining technics, we are certain to satisfy our customers and win the trust of customers locally and overseas, such as NSN, Lucent-Alcatel, Motorola, Powerwave, RFS, Andrew, Schneider, Nitec, Behr, Ficosa, ABB, Woodward, Hutchinson, and Pulanmeika.    Currently, Chunxing has become one of the professional facilitators that have the strongest R&D ability and mass production capacity.招聘声明近期,我公司发现有个别机构及人员假借春兴精工或春兴集团的名义通过网络或电话进行虚假招聘,给求职者发送“面试通知”或“录用通知”,企图诱骗求职者前往面试或工作。为避免广大求职者上当受骗,现春兴集团郑重声明如下:一、春兴集团只面向正规大中专院校以及劳动局和人事局批准的正规人才服务机构招聘,本集团面试的地点是在春兴集团各厂区,不会在其它地方。二、春兴集团所有的招聘未通过任何中介组织和个人,我公司不会以任何形式向求职者索取钱物、密码、培训费、体检费、押金等。三、春兴集团招聘工作由人力资源部统一组织实施,按照统一的招聘流程办理,不会通过其他方式直接录用。所有面试邀约均通过公司固定电话或公司招聘邮箱统一发送。一旦确定录用,将以公司招聘邮箱统一发送录用通知或当面签署意向,不会在未确定劳动关系之前要求应聘者参加培训。请求职者切勿轻信通过其他如小灵通、手机、短信等方式通知的相关信息。四、春兴集团所有的网络招聘信息请登录春兴集团官方网站、圆才网及前程无忧等正式合作媒体机构。五、对冒充本集团名义发布虚假招聘信息等从事非法活动的网站、个人或其他组织,本集团保留追究其法律责任的权利。六、春兴集团对所有应聘者的资料及个人信息进行保密。七、为了您的安全及利益,请提高警惕,如您有接到虚假招聘信息,请及时报警。                                                                        苏州春兴精工股份有限公司                                                                                       2017年7月3日

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  • 春兴精工招聘SAP PP工程师

    苏州春兴精工股份有限公司于2001年9月成立,目前坐落于中国-新加坡苏州工业园区唯亭镇,注册资本14200万元人民币;公司厂区占地面积超过12万平方米;公司现有员工约5000人。    春兴铸造(苏州工业园区)有限公司、迈特通讯设备(苏州)有限公司为苏州春兴精工股份有限公司的子公司。    公司主要从事通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的制造、销售及服务;通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金压铸、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司专利和***。公司已先后通过ISO/TS16949、ISO14000、AS9100等体系认证,并被江苏省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。    公司以做大、做优、做强通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等配套件制造业为己任,依靠强大的区位优势,欣欣向荣的产业前景,追求卓越的内部管理,精益求精的研发技术,持续满足客户需求,在通讯、汽车、航空等领域赢得中外客户,如诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、摩托罗拉、波尔威、安弗施、施耐德、电产、贝洱、法可赛、哈金森、博世、江森等跨国公司的信赖。    目前,公司已成为国内精密铝合金结构件最具研发实力与规模生产能力的专业服务商之一。   Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd., located in Weiting Town of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, was founded in September, 2001, with a registered capital of 106,000,000RMB; the company has a total area of over 66,000m2; currently we have a staff of about 5000people; in Yangtze River Delta we have a large production area, and we also have offices located in U.S., Finland, India, Germany, etc.    Chunxing Casting and MITEC telecom are subsidiaries of Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd.    Our major base of business is to produce Precise aluminum structure parts for Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace, to sell them, and to provide service, as well as to do research and development works. We have extensive research and manufacturing experiences in Aluminum alloy die casting, precision mechanism machining, and sheet metal stamping. The R&D programmes developed by ourselves, such as tooling design and manufacturing technics of aluminum alloy die casting, die casting equipment application technology, post treatment technics of die casting parts, low pressure and gravity casting technics, precision CNC machining technics, vacuum fixture technics, and sheet metal forming technics, are all at the leading level of the whole industry and we have Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights in some of these technics.    We have already passed the System authentications of TS16949, ISO14000, etc. Under the approval of Jiangsu Science & Technology Government Division, we have also become a High-tech Enterprise.    Chunxing is committed to enlarge, to optimize, to enhance our business in producing parts of Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace. By the remarkable location advantage, flourishing prospects of industry, reputable and improving internal management, refining technics, we are certain to satisfy our customers and win the trust of customers locally and overseas, such as NSN, Lucent-Alcatel, Motorola, Powerwave, RFS, Andrew, Schneider, Nitec, Behr, Ficosa, ABB, Woodward, Hutchinson, and Pulanmeika.    Currently, Chunxing has become one of the professional facilitators that have the strongest R&D ability and mass production capacity.招聘声明近期,我公司发现有个别机构及人员假借春兴精工或春兴集团的名义通过网络或电话进行虚假招聘,给求职者发送“面试通知”或“录用通知”,企图诱骗求职者前往面试或工作。为避免广大求职者上当受骗,现春兴集团郑重声明如下:一、春兴集团只面向正规大中专院校以及劳动局和人事局批准的正规人才服务机构招聘,本集团面试的地点是在春兴集团各厂区,不会在其它地方。二、春兴集团所有的招聘未通过任何中介组织和个人,我公司不会以任何形式向求职者索取钱物、密码、培训费、体检费、押金等。三、春兴集团招聘工作由人力资源部统一组织实施,按照统一的招聘流程办理,不会通过其他方式直接录用。所有面试邀约均通过公司固定电话或公司招聘邮箱统一发送。一旦确定录用,将以公司招聘邮箱统一发送录用通知或当面签署意向,不会在未确定劳动关系之前要求应聘者参加培训。请求职者切勿轻信通过其他如小灵通、手机、短信等方式通知的相关信息。四、春兴集团所有的网络招聘信息请登录春兴集团官方网站、圆才网及前程无忧等正式合作媒体机构。五、对冒充本集团名义发布虚假招聘信息等从事非法活动的网站、个人或其他组织,本集团保留追究其法律责任的权利。六、春兴集团对所有应聘者的资料及个人信息进行保密。七、为了您的安全及利益,请提高警惕,如您有接到虚假招聘信息,请及时报警。                                                                        苏州春兴精工股份有限公司                                                                                       2017年7月3日

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  • 春兴精工招聘销售行政支持主管

    苏州春兴精工股份有限公司于2001年9月成立,目前坐落于中国-新加坡苏州工业园区唯亭镇,注册资本14200万元人民币;公司厂区占地面积超过12万平方米;公司现有员工约5000人。    春兴铸造(苏州工业园区)有限公司、迈特通讯设备(苏州)有限公司为苏州春兴精工股份有限公司的子公司。    公司主要从事通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的制造、销售及服务;通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金压铸、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司专利和***。公司已先后通过ISO/TS16949、ISO14000、AS9100等体系认证,并被江苏省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。    公司以做大、做优、做强通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等配套件制造业为己任,依靠强大的区位优势,欣欣向荣的产业前景,追求卓越的内部管理,精益求精的研发技术,持续满足客户需求,在通讯、汽车、航空等领域赢得中外客户,如诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、摩托罗拉、波尔威、安弗施、施耐德、电产、贝洱、法可赛、哈金森、博世、江森等跨国公司的信赖。    目前,公司已成为国内精密铝合金结构件最具研发实力与规模生产能力的专业服务商之一。   Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd., located in Weiting Town of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, was founded in September, 2001, with a registered capital of 106,000,000RMB; the company has a total area of over 66,000m2; currently we have a staff of about 5000people; in Yangtze River Delta we have a large production area, and we also have offices located in U.S., Finland, India, Germany, etc.    Chunxing Casting and MITEC telecom are subsidiaries of Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd.    Our major base of business is to produce Precise aluminum structure parts for Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace, to sell them, and to provide service, as well as to do research and development works. We have extensive research and manufacturing experiences in Aluminum alloy die casting, precision mechanism machining, and sheet metal stamping. The R&D programmes developed by ourselves, such as tooling design and manufacturing technics of aluminum alloy die casting, die casting equipment application technology, post treatment technics of die casting parts, low pressure and gravity casting technics, precision CNC machining technics, vacuum fixture technics, and sheet metal forming technics, are all at the leading level of the whole industry and we have Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights in some of these technics.    We have already passed the System authentications of TS16949, ISO14000, etc. Under the approval of Jiangsu Science & Technology Government Division, we have also become a High-tech Enterprise.    Chunxing is committed to enlarge, to optimize, to enhance our business in producing parts of Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace. By the remarkable location advantage, flourishing prospects of industry, reputable and improving internal management, refining technics, we are certain to satisfy our customers and win the trust of customers locally and overseas, such as NSN, Lucent-Alcatel, Motorola, Powerwave, RFS, Andrew, Schneider, Nitec, Behr, Ficosa, ABB, Woodward, Hutchinson, and Pulanmeika.    Currently, Chunxing has become one of the professional facilitators that have the strongest R&D ability and mass production capacity.招聘声明近期,我公司发现有个别机构及人员假借春兴精工或春兴集团的名义通过网络或电话进行虚假招聘,给求职者发送“面试通知”或“录用通知”,企图诱骗求职者前往面试或工作。为避免广大求职者上当受骗,现春兴集团郑重声明如下:一、春兴集团只面向正规大中专院校以及劳动局和人事局批准的正规人才服务机构招聘,本集团面试的地点是在春兴集团各厂区,不会在其它地方。二、春兴集团所有的招聘未通过任何中介组织和个人,我公司不会以任何形式向求职者索取钱物、密码、培训费、体检费、押金等。三、春兴集团招聘工作由人力资源部统一组织实施,按照统一的招聘流程办理,不会通过其他方式直接录用。所有面试邀约均通过公司固定电话或公司招聘邮箱统一发送。一旦确定录用,将以公司招聘邮箱统一发送录用通知或当面签署意向,不会在未确定劳动关系之前要求应聘者参加培训。请求职者切勿轻信通过其他如小灵通、手机、短信等方式通知的相关信息。四、春兴集团所有的网络招聘信息请登录春兴集团官方网站、圆才网及前程无忧等正式合作媒体机构。五、对冒充本集团名义发布虚假招聘信息等从事非法活动的网站、个人或其他组织,本集团保留追究其法律责任的权利。六、春兴集团对所有应聘者的资料及个人信息进行保密。七、为了您的安全及利益,请提高警惕,如您有接到虚假招聘信息,请及时报警。                                                                        苏州春兴精工股份有限公司                                                                                       2017年7月3日

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  • 春兴精工招聘销售行政支持

    苏州春兴精工股份有限公司于2001年9月成立,目前坐落于中国-新加坡苏州工业园区唯亭镇,注册资本14200万元人民币;公司厂区占地面积超过12万平方米;公司现有员工约5000人。    春兴铸造(苏州工业园区)有限公司、迈特通讯设备(苏州)有限公司为苏州春兴精工股份有限公司的子公司。    公司主要从事通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的制造、销售及服务;通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等精密铝合金结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金压铸、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司专利和***。公司已先后通过ISO/TS16949、ISO14000、AS9100等体系认证,并被江苏省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。    公司以做大、做优、做强通讯系统设备、汽车、航空等配套件制造业为己任,依靠强大的区位优势,欣欣向荣的产业前景,追求卓越的内部管理,精益求精的研发技术,持续满足客户需求,在通讯、汽车、航空等领域赢得中外客户,如诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯、摩托罗拉、波尔威、安弗施、施耐德、电产、贝洱、法可赛、哈金森、博世、江森等跨国公司的信赖。    目前,公司已成为国内精密铝合金结构件最具研发实力与规模生产能力的专业服务商之一。   Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd., located in Weiting Town of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial park, was founded in September, 2001, with a registered capital of 106,000,000RMB; the company has a total area of over 66,000m2; currently we have a staff of about 5000people; in Yangtze River Delta we have a large production area, and we also have offices located in U.S., Finland, India, Germany, etc.    Chunxing Casting and MITEC telecom are subsidiaries of Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd.    Our major base of business is to produce Precise aluminum structure parts for Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace, to sell them, and to provide service, as well as to do research and development works. We have extensive research and manufacturing experiences in Aluminum alloy die casting, precision mechanism machining, and sheet metal stamping. The R&D programmes developed by ourselves, such as tooling design and manufacturing technics of aluminum alloy die casting, die casting equipment application technology, post treatment technics of die casting parts, low pressure and gravity casting technics, precision CNC machining technics, vacuum fixture technics, and sheet metal forming technics, are all at the leading level of the whole industry and we have Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights in some of these technics.    We have already passed the System authentications of TS16949, ISO14000, etc. Under the approval of Jiangsu Science & Technology Government Division, we have also become a High-tech Enterprise.    Chunxing is committed to enlarge, to optimize, to enhance our business in producing parts of Telecom devices, Automobile, and Aerospace. By the remarkable location advantage, flourishing prospects of industry, reputable and improving internal management, refining technics, we are certain to satisfy our customers and win the trust of customers locally and overseas, such as NSN, Lucent-Alcatel, Motorola, Powerwave, RFS, Andrew, Schneider, Nitec, Behr, Ficosa, ABB, Woodward, Hutchinson, and Pulanmeika.    Currently, Chunxing has become one of the professional facilitators that have the strongest R&D ability and mass production capacity.招聘声明近期,我公司发现有个别机构及人员假借春兴精工或春兴集团的名义通过网络或电话进行虚假招聘,给求职者发送“面试通知”或“录用通知”,企图诱骗求职者前往面试或工作。为避免广大求职者上当受骗,现春兴集团郑重声明如下:一、春兴集团只面向正规大中专院校以及劳动局和人事局批准的正规人才服务机构招聘,本集团面试的地点是在春兴集团各厂区,不会在其它地方。二、春兴集团所有的招聘未通过任何中介组织和个人,我公司不会以任何形式向求职者索取钱物、密码、培训费、体检费、押金等。三、春兴集团招聘工作由人力资源部统一组织实施,按照统一的招聘流程办理,不会通过其他方式直接录用。所有面试邀约均通过公司固定电话或公司招聘邮箱统一发送。一旦确定录用,将以公司招聘邮箱统一发送录用通知或当面签署意向,不会在未确定劳动关系之前要求应聘者参加培训。请求职者切勿轻信通过其他如小灵通、手机、短信等方式通知的相关信息。四、春兴集团所有的网络招聘信息请登录春兴集团官方网站、圆才网及前程无忧等正式合作媒体机构。五、对冒充本集团名义发布虚假招聘信息等从事非法活动的网站、个人或其他组织,本集团保留追究其法律责任的权利。六、春兴集团对所有应聘者的资料及个人信息进行保密。七、为了您的安全及利益,请提高警惕,如您有接到虚假招聘信息,请及时报警。                                                                        苏州春兴精工股份有限公司                                                                                       2017年7月3日

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