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深圳市爱兔服饰有限公司是一家提供私家订制、私人咨询、私有体验的童装设计、咨询、生产、销售的专业公司.Shenzhen Aitu costume Co., Ltd. Is a specialized corporation in designing consultation, production, and sales of children’s wear that offers private customization, private consultation, and private experiencing .我们是客户的马良神笔   For customers we are the magic brush of Ma Liang独特的园服与建筑的交相辉映,更能体现幼教机构的审美水准、专业尺度.建筑是幼儿园静态的”秀”,园服是幼儿园跃动的”美”,融动静结合,调衣物契合,就是爱兔设计”神笔”的价值.The distinctive uniform of kindergarten contrasting with buildings can better display aesthetic standard and professional scale of preschool institution. While buildings are the static “elegance” of kindergarten, uniforms of kindergarten are dynamic “beauty” for it. The blending of movement and stillness, and adjustment of costume towards perfect match are exactly the value of “magic brush” of Aitu design.我们是园长的柯南侦探We are the Detective Conan for principals of kindergarten眼花缭乱的园服方案,扑朔迷离的甄选取舍,是每个园长都经历过的烦恼.建立安全、审美、优质、价廉的园服参考体系,让园长们按图索骥,端倪可察,是爱兔咨询”侦探”的贡献.The dazzling solutions for uniform of kindergarten, as well as the process of selection and discretion that is complicated and bewildering, are the vexation every principal of kindergarten has experienced. To establish the uniform reference system that is safe, aesthetic, high in quality and low in price, and to let principals have chart and clue to follow, are the contribution by “the detector” of Aitu consultation.我们陪孩子体验朵拉探险   Children are accompanied by us to experience Dora the explorer每个孩子成长,都是一次难忘的探险之旅,留存童年难忘记忆的,无外乎衣食住行.除玩具、零食的回忆,更有那穿着漂亮衣裳的体验.做一套童话世界的”花衣服”,存一份童年记忆的”小故事”,是爱兔服务”探险”的馈赠.   The growth of every child is an indelible journey of exploration. What is left in the memory of childhood is nothing more than clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. Apart from the memory of toy and snacks, there is also the experience of being dressed in beautiful clothes. Making a set of “clothes with mixed color”, and conserving a “short story” in childhood memory are the gift from “exploration” of Aitu service.私私相扣,爱兔拥有!Buckling stitch by stitch, in possession with Aitu!公司地址:深圳市龙岗区龙新社区中信龙盛广场2栋4单元10楼

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