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中欧工商学院招聘MBA-Admissions Counselor 招生咨询

中欧国际工商学院由中国政府和欧洲联盟于1994年共同创立,是中国***一所由中外政府联合创建的商学院。学院始终秉承“认真、创新、追求卓越”的校训,致力于培养兼具中国深度和全球广度、积极承担社会责任的商业领袖,已形成在三大洲五地(中国上海、北京、深圳、加纳阿克拉和瑞士苏黎世)办学的全球化格局,被中国和欧盟的领导人分别赞誉为“众多优秀管理人士的摇篮”和“欧中成功合作的典范”。伴随着中国经济迈向世界舞台中央的稳健步伐,历经26年砥砺奋进、不懈创新,学院也从西方经典管理理论的引进者、阐释者,逐渐成长为全球化时代中国管理知识的创造者、传播者,不仅建成了一所亚洲领先、全球知名的商学院,也构筑了中国和欧洲乃至世界经济文化交流的平台。目前,中欧开设***全英文MBA、金融MBA(FMBA)、EMBA、Global EMBA(GEMBA)、卓越服务EMBA(HEMBA)和高管教育等课程(课程概览)。学院在国内率先获得欧洲EQUIS和美国AACSB双认证,并已连续两年位居英国《金融时报》MBA、EMBA排行榜全球五强。学院已建成一支由近70位海内外知名学者组成的世界级全职教授队伍。中欧教授来自全球10多个国家和地区,他们博闻善教、扎根中国,将世界最前沿的管理思想与中国管理实践相融合。在英国《金融时报》的权威排名中,中欧师资队伍的国际化程度稳居全球前列。在爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单“商业、管理和会计”领域,中欧教授连续6年上榜人数位居***。学院领衔创建“中国工商管理国际案例库”,已收录中国主题案例1600多篇,为全球管理知识宝库持续贡献中国智慧。学院还拥有近20个研究中心与智库,被视为解读全球环境下中国商业问题的权威。学院拥有中国内地商学院中规模***、阵容***的校友网络。目前,中欧校友逾24000名,遍布全球80多个国家和地区,并累计为逾18万人次的海内外中高层管理人员提供管理培训。他们不仅是推动中国与世界经济持续发展的重要力量,也是新时代商业文明和社会责任的积极倡导者。学院每年在亚、欧、非三大洲数十个主要城市举办各类学术论坛和高端峰会,聚焦多个热点领域和关键行业,激荡智慧、启迪未来。26年不懈求索、追求卓越,学院在助力中国经济阔步向前的进程中赢得了自身发展,书写了教育传奇。未来,学院将继续助力中国经济的创新、转型和全球化步伐,推动国际经济合作的深化发展。China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) was co-founded by the Chinese government and European Union (EU) in 1994, with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the EFMD serving as its executive partners. CEIBS has campuses in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Accra in Ghana, and Zurich in Switzerland.As China’s only business school to originate from government-level collaboration, CEIBS is committed to educating responsible leaders versed in “China Depth, Global Breadth” in line with its motto of “Conscientiousness, Innovation and Excellence”. Leaders from the Chinese central government and the EU, respectively, have lauded CEIBS as “a cradle of excellent executives” and “a role model of EU-China co-operation”.CEIBS offers MBA, Finance MBA, EMBA, Global EMBA, Hospitality EMBA, and Executive Education programmes (Programmes Overview). Renowned for its academic rigour, CEIBS is the first business school on the Chinese mainland to have been accredited by both EQUIS and AACSB and has been ranked #5 in the world for two consecutive years in the Financial Times’ annual ranking of MBA and EMBA programmes.Amongst the best in Asia, CEIBS’ faculty team is uniquely equipped to deliver a combination of China Depth and Global Breadth in both teaching and research. Nearly 70 full-time faculty members represent more than 10 countries and regions worldwide. They bring a wealth of experience from teaching, research and business practice. CEIBS has featured prominently for six consecutive years in the category of Business, Management and Accounting on Elsevier’s list of Most Chinese Cited Researchers, an indicator of the school’s research capabilities in these fields.Initiated by CEIBS, the Global Platform of China Cases has compiled over 1,600 China-focused cases, laying a solid foundation for providing China-specific knowledge. The school’s research, which is in the top tier of authoritative rankings, combines the latest theory with practical knowledge. Its research centres keep abreast of ever-changing business practices in vital areas.To date, CEIBS has more than 24,000 alumni from over 80 countries worldwide, and has provided a broad range of management programmes for more than 180,000 executives both at home and abroad.Each year, in dozens of major cities across Asia, Europe and Africa, CEIBS harnesses global insights and wisdom to host high-end academic and industry forums.Over the past 26 years, CEIBS has grown in tandem with the Chinese economy. In the years ahead, the school will continue to emphasise the innovation, transformation, and globalisation of the Chinese economy in order to facilitate global economic co-operation.

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